Recent Home Sales in Seattle 98117
There have been 217 home sales in the last six months in the 98117 zip code of Seattle. This zip code includes communities such as Ballard, Crown Hill, Loyal Heights, Sunset Hill, Greenwood, North Beach, and Phinney Ridge.
The median sale in that time was for a 3bedroom, 1.75bath home with 1880 square feet that sold for $411,500 in 15 cumulative days on market! Things move FAST in this zipcode when priced correctly! 68% of the sales were for 100% of the asking price! The fastest sales were for homes priced under $395,000.
In 2010, there were a total of 409 sales in the 98117 zipcode for the entire year. The median home of roughly the same size sold for $420,000 in 35 days.
It appears that prices declined in the last year by approximately 2%, but that days on market and number of transactions are increasing in this area. Wendy's prediction: expect to see both prices and number of transactions pick up in this zipcode in the next year!
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